




Rooted and Empowered: Desert Spirituality and Vineyard Theology

February 3 - April 27, 2020

Courses will be held on Monday evenings from 6:00 - 8:00, at Our Lord's Community Church, Oklahoma City.


This course seeks to integrate roots in desert spirituality with Vineyard theology and practice. Our aim is to figure out ways we can cultivate deep spiritual roots through prayer and other spiritual practices that will sustain us over the years, while at the same time pursuing the presence, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. All too often, these two streams – the contemplative depths of Orthodox spirituality and the charismatic dynamism of Vineyard theology – are studied (or applied) separately. But we will consider them together, as confluent rivers that nourish the life of God in the hearts of believers.  

In our time together, we will discuss readings from the Philokalia, a collection of classic Orthodox spirituality, along with readings from leading Vineyard authors. We will reflect together, collectively and in small groups, on theology, spirituality, and practices in the desert and Vineyard traditions. Through reading, discussion, prayer, and ministry to one another, we will seek deeper roots that sustain spiritual life and the power of the Spirit to serve on mission with Jesus.


• Please make a commitment to attend each class meeting.

• You will receive a syllabus, prayer guide, and reading packet the first evening.

• For the first class, you will need to read the article, "The Philokalia: A Book for All Christians" by Kallistos Ware.

• Textbooks: We will be using a variety of books for the course, and will be supplying copies of readings to students (you do not need to purchase the books). Following is a partial list of books readings will be drawn from:

The Philokalia, Vol. 1
Surprised by the Voice of God, Jack Deere
Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, Jack Deere
Power Points, John Wimber
The Inner Kingdom, Kalistos Ware
The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology